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Water Jetting Association
BHR Group – 24th International Conference on Water Jetting

BHR Group – 24th International Conference on Water Jetting

BHR Group – 24th International Conference on Water Jetting

December 1, 2017  -  Uncategorized

BHR Group’s 24th International Conference on Water Jetting – WJA members receive exclusive discount!

The 24th International Conference on Water Jetting will take place in Manchester, UK, on the 5th and 6th September 2018. In addition to the conference there will be technical visits held on the 4thSeptember. BHR Group’s involvement with water jets began in 1972, with the first International Symposium on Jet Cutting Technology, held at the University of Warwick in Coventry.

The early conferences were aimed at academia, as would be expected from an emerging technology with new research opportunities. As time has progressed the technology has matured and so the conference has become a broad mix of academia, operators, and manufacturers, more about the application of water jets, problem solving and technology transfer, not just the theory. This will be an event to remember!

Delegates will have the opportunity to learn about new advances and applications in water jet technology from leading users across the globe. It is a good forum for people to display and discuss new technology and new applications. The conference thus has the potential to lead to better and more profitable solutions for contractors. There may well also be business opportunities to explore on the worldwide market.

The conference will be of interest to a wide range of people involved in waterjet industry, examples include:

  • Research & Development Professionals
  • Business Development Executives
  • Process Engineers
  • Equipment Engineers
  • Materials Engineers
  • Manufacturing Engineers
  • Students and Post-Graduates

The Water Jetting Association is a sponsor of BHR Conferences

WJA Members will receive an exclusive 20% discount from the delegate fee when using Special Discount Code: WJA2018.

For more information please visit or email the conference organiser, Georgia Coomes,

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