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Water Jetting Association
Robotic Concrete Hydrodemolition – RGL Services Ltd (WJA Member)

Robotic Concrete Hydrodemolition – RGL Services Ltd (WJA Member)

Robotic Concrete Hydrodemolition – RGL Services Ltd (WJA Member)

March 21, 2017  -  Uncategorized

RGL have been working on the corrosion protection and concrete repairs project at Coronation Arches, Folkestone for several months. Using Ultra High Pressure water jetting via robotic and hand held methods we have removed over 100 cubic metres of concrete.

To illustrate the versatility of the equipment being used, and how the challenges of working in tidal conditions have been overcome, to ensure consistent productivity, RGL have produced a video case study of the works.


We hope you find this information of interest, In the meantime RGL can be contacted via the ‘Our Members’ Section of this website.

To view further application videos click here:  YouTube

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