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Water Jetting Association
European Water Jetting Forum

European Water Jetting Forum

European Water Jetting Forum

December 2, 2015  -  Uncategorized

Under the topic ‘Working towards European Standards’ the European Water Jetting Forum held its very first meeting in Brussels, Belgium on 14th October 2015.The WJA representatives attending were David Kennedy (WJA – Director) and Dave Malin (WJA Council & Technical Committee member) others attending were from Industry Association, Contractors, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Media throughout the EU and other related actors – which made for a very interesting meeting.

The event was organised by the European Water Jetting Institute, EWJI, in cooperation with the National Water Jetting Associations.

The European Water Jetting Forum 2015 brought together more than 30 professionals / representatives from the main companies in Europe, who could enjoy two debate sessions, with recognised panelists from the industry, as well as time to do networking with the rest of the attendees.

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This is the group photo of the first ever European meeting of professionals related with the water jetting industry. It is quite difficult to go over all the topics of conversation on just a few lines.

Here are the key issues that were the centre of debate:

                                                  • Accreditation of Companies for Water Jetting Activities

                                                  • Certification of Workers, for Training and Skills

                                                  • Standardisation of Products used for Water Jetting

                                                  • Experiences of the National Associations

                                                  • Code of Practice and Safety Standards for Water Jetting

                                                  • Roadmap for the Water Jetting Activities in Europe

Special thanks for the support and cooperation to prepare this European Water Jetting Forum go to the companies HAMMELMANN, PARKER, REPORTEX, TST SYSTEMS and AQUAJET SYSTEMS.

Post meeting your Council confirmed that the WJA Representative on the European Board of Directors will be Dave Malin 


Members will be regularly updated on developments as they unfold though this forum.

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