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Water Jetting Association

Nuvia Limited




Tel: 01925 866300




Chadwick House Birchwood Park Risley Warrington, WA3 6AE United Kingdom


Nuvia Ltd

Nuvia has operated UHPWJ Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) descaling plants servicing the needs of the Oil and Gas industry for over 20 years. This, combined with half a century’s experience of providing services to the nuclear industry, puts Nuvia at the forefront of suppliers of radiation safety and waste management services in the UK.

Solutions we offer include:
1. NORM UHPWJ, descaling, treatment and disposal
2. Radiological Protection Advice and Supervision
3. 24 hour, 365 day, Emergency call out service
4. Radiation Safety and NORM Awareness Training for operators
5. Support to operations and decommissioning
6. Radiological Protection Instrumentation (RPI) Services

Ron Smith
Senior Marketing Consultant
Tel: 01235 514809
Mob: 07968707345

For more information regarding Nuvia’s Radiological Safety Training and to book courses visit

For details regarding Nuvia’s RPI Services visit

Nuvia’s Technical Services Division (TSD) is dedicated to the servicing of the operational and decommissioning requirements of the North Sea Oil and Gas industry. TSD looks to build upon the success we’ve had transferring the decades of experience of radiation safety on nuclear licensed sites to monitoring for and advising on the Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) contamination that is an unavoidable by-product of some offshore drilling operations.

We also operate a full Radiation Protection Advice (RPA), Supervision (RPS) and Health Physics monitoring for NORM contamination service both on and offshore as well as a 24 hour, 365 days emergency call out facility.

Our personnel working offshore undertake in-situ monitoring of rig equipment for NORM contamination, set up controlled areas where contamination is present and ensure adequate bagging and sealing of items for onshore transfer and subsequent decontamination. Other innovations we have brought to our customers practices include:

§ onshore surveys of plant and equipment prior to rig transfer to identify residual contamination which could cause unnecessary delays to operations if detected further into the process
§ protection of plant and equipment from cross contamination by the early identification and strict control of operations with the potential to spread NORM from a single source to other areas of work.
§ waste minimisation techniques to avoid generating unnecessary NORM contaminated waste

There are few companies currently operating in the Oil and Gas market better placed to undertake the management, removal and disposal of NORM and our facilities for descaling and cleaning NORM contaminated pipework and plant mean that we can offer a full, cradle to grave service to rig operators.

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