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Water Jetting Association
WJA launches Training Course for Water Jet CNC Machines

WJA launches Training Course for Water Jet CNC Machines

WJA launches Training Course for Water Jet CNC Machines

May 17, 2023  -  Water Jetting Association

The Water Jetting Association now offers a safety training course for operatives who control water jet CNC machines in factories.

The new Safety Awareness CNC course combines the WJA’s long-standing class-based Safety Awareness course with a site visit to review their water jetting operation.

Water jet CNC (computerised numerical control) machines are used in manufacturing for precision cutting of a range of materials, including metals, glass, stone, and plastics.

Understanding risks

WJA Training and Safety Chairman Steve Williams said: “We’ve been liaising with a number of manufacturing organisations about water jet safety, so realised there was a need for a training course.

“As a result, we’ve adapted our one-day class-based Safety Awareness course so it can be delivered to water jet CNC machine operatives.

“Most of this equipment is highly-automated and controlled remotely, often behind safety screens. However, there is a clear need to understand how water under pressure behaves and the risks associated with it.

“Water is still delivered by pumps through hoses that need to be maintained, and operatives often interact with water jet CNC equipment during their work. This creates a need for awareness of critical water jetting safety issues.”

Worksite review

Companies that have put operatives through the training have also said they value the insights given by the WJA approved training instructor as a result of the review of their water jettting operation.

Steve Williams explained: “Water jet CNC machines can be installed in different ways, depending on space and manufacturing requirements. WJA approved instructors take this into account when delivering the course.

“Also, while factory managers and machine installers are very safety-conscious, they may not be fully aware of all risks associated with water jets.

“Therefore, WJA approved training instructors can give valuable advice about key issues that could affect machine set-up and personnel protection systems.”

High pressures

Water jet CNC machines often combine water under high or ultra-high pressures, which can exceed 1,724 bar (25,000 psi), with the use of abrasive media, for example garnet chips.

The Safety Awareness CNC course is a one day course and covers a wide range of topics that give delegates a firm grounding in water jetting principles and practice.

Those topics include water jetting uses, water jetting pressures, types of equipment, risk awareness, assessment and mitigation, personal protective equipment, water jetting injuries, and first aid response, as guided by the WJA’s water jet injury treatment algorithm.

The current WJA Safety Awareness course is accredited by City & Guilds. The WJA hopes the new course will be reviewed and achieve City & Guilds accreditation by the end of 2023.

Find out more

Talk to the WJA about the Safety Awareness CNC course today, to be advised about WJA approved training providers in your area. Call: +44 (0) 208 320 1090. Email:

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