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Water Jetting Association
WJA ready to share latest initiatives at the National Drainage Show

WJA ready to share latest initiatives at the National Drainage Show

WJA ready to share latest initiatives at the National Drainage Show

October 11, 2023  -  Water Jetting Association

An updated code of practice, a new free training programme, a new practical drainage module and improved support for smaller contractors – the Water Jetting Association will not be short of topics to share with visitors to the National Drainage Show.

The WJA is taking a stand at the show at ExCel London On the 22nd and 23rd of November, as part of a ramping up of its engagement programme – which includes hosting its own trade show, the first of its kind, in September 2024.

Enhancing support

WJA General Manager Leanne Smith said: “We’re very much looking forward to hosting our stand at the National Drainage Show, not least because the WJA has a lot of exciting new initiatives designed to support our members in the drainage industry.

“Water jetting is central to the maintenance of sewers and associated assets, such as chambers, sumps, interceptors, and tanks, and the WJA has been extremely busy over the last 12 months, reviewing and improving our guidance, and enhancing our support for members.

“We’ll also be looking forward to promoting our own trade show – the first we’ve ever held – at the StoneX Stadium in West London on 12th September, 2024, which is an opportunity for organisations to showcase what’s new and best about the UK water jetting industry.”

Red code of practice

The National Drainage Show is the UK’s premier drainage event and is co-located with FloodEx UK and, new for 2023, the Waterways Management Show.

The WJA will be sharing news of a range of initiatives completed in 2023, including the comprehensive review of the association’s code of practice for water jetting in drains and sewers, known as the Red Code.

Hundreds of changes have been made the code of practice, including firming up key health and safety guidance – so where, previously, the code referred to actions that ‘should be’ taken, they now state that they ‘shall be’ taken.

For the first time, the Red Code includes guidance on surface preparation with a jetting gun, acknowledging how drainage contractors often using water jetting to wash down surfaces and chambers.

This has resulted in the full name of the Red Code being changed to: Code of Practice for the Safe Use of Water Jetting Equipment In Drains and

Sewers and Surface Preparation with a Jetting Gun at Pressures up to 275 bar that an Operative Can Comfortably Control.

Free drain and sewer training

The updating of the Red Code has also led to the development and launch of a new City & Guilds accredited Practical Module – Drain, Sewer and Surface Preparation – which in incorporates training in the use of jetting guns. Contractors can still choose the standard Drain and Sewer Practical Module.

The WJA has also launched a new free training programme, named in honour of David Kennedy, its long-serving director, who died in 2022, that helps members obtain training for their operatives in a timely way.

The programme, which has already been used by a number of drainage contractors, allows WJA members to place up to two operatives on free monthly courses, and is designed to help contractors who do not have enough candidates to fill an entire training course.

Membership support

The WJA has also launched a new membership category – C7 – aimed specifically at smaller drainage contractors, including start-up businesses, with a reduced membership fee and simplified joining criteria.

WJA Training and Safety Chairman Steve Williams said: “These initiatives reflect our keen interest in making sure all drainage contractors have the opportunity to set the highest standards and to benefit from the commercial advantages of being WJA members.”

The WJA will also be showcasing its recently redesigned Water Jetting Injury Treatment Algorithm, now in an A4 format to make it easier for contractors and medical professionals to use, to ensure treatment is appropriate and timely.

Visit the WJA stand

If you are attending the National Drainage Show, the WJA would be delighted if you visited the team at stand B80. You will receive a warm welcome, Click Here to view our presentation.

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