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Water Jetting Association
WJA Water Jetting Training Critical to Effective Decision Making

WJA Water Jetting Training Critical to Effective Decision Making

WJA Water Jetting Training Critical to Effective Decision Making

October 12, 2018  -  Uncategorized

High quality training is the bedrock of good practice in the water jetting industry – and that includes effective decision-making.

John Jones, the Water Jetting Association’s Vice-President and Chairman of its Training & Safety Committee, says the demands of a modern dynamic workplace require professionalism at all organisational levels.

He adds: “When high and ultra-high-pressure water jetting is being carried out, it is likely to be the highest risk activity taking place at a particular work-site at that moment in time.

“Therefore, end-user clients increasingly expect operatives to be able to demonstrate they are trained and qualified to carry out the task safely and to the appropriate high standard.

“What is less well understood, sometimes, is that effective training underpins decision-making that benefits the contractor carrying out the work in many ways that can have a profound impact on the long-term success of their business.”

The Water Jetting Association (WJA) is the UK’s leading provider of training for operatives in the water jetting industry, including ultra-high and high-pressure water jetting, drain and sewer cleaning, and pressure washing.

Effective decision-making clearly applies to taking the right measures to deal with an untoward incident, if it occurred during water jetting, and the WJA’s training specifically covers such a contingency.

However, water jetting training also supports ongoing best practice control of work sites, as well as productive relationships with supply chain colleagues and the end-user customer, says John Jones.

He adds: “The move towards continuous process manufacturing, integration of supply chains, and increasing pressure to carry out site maintenance as quickly as possible, while maintaining high standards of safety making water jetting more challenging than ever.

“Combine that with the increased amount of remote working that mobile communication technology is allowing, and it’s clear water jetting contractors will benefit from fostering effective decision-making within front-line teams.

“Training delivered by the WJA is the best platform for building a strong decision-making culture. In terms of safety and operational control, our modules teach operatives to take responsibility for their actions, and work effectively with the wider team in the workplace.”

To be registered with the WJA and receive a Certificate and Photo ID Card, the trainee must attend a one-day Water Jetting – Safety Awareness Course.

Operatives can also select from a range of practical application modules: Drain and Sewer Cleaning (DS), Surface Preparation (SP), Tube and Pipe Cleaning (TP) and Hydrodemolition (HD).

The courses are accredited by City & Guilds and are based on the association’s Codes of Practice which are accepted as setting the industry standard for best practice in the UK and internationally.

All training is delivered by WJA-approved and accredited water jetting training instructors. To find out more about how high-pressure water jetting training from the WJA can enhance your decision-making and business success, call us today: +44 (0) 20 8320 1090.

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