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Water Jetting Association
Zisimopoulos SA (WJA International Member)

Zisimopoulos SA (WJA International Member)

Zisimopoulos SA (WJA International Member)

February 13, 2017  -  Uncategorized

Hydrodemolition of Concrete Foundations in Gas Turbine Power Plant (Algeria)

The project Scope referred to the removal of concrete from the foundations for the mechanical equipment. The Hydrodemolitioon method was chosen as the best option for its technical and financial benefits – the whole project was accomplished successfully and the extracted quantity of concrete removed was 180m3.

Algeria - 1

Investing constantly in our skilled labour force Zisimopoulos S A  made use of its broad technical experience incorporating state of the art equipment.

Despite the projects particular aspects concerning the adverse desert environment and the remote location of the worksite the company responded consistently to the project timelines, ensuring maximum quality results as well as safety and environmental procedures.

Zisimopoulos S A

Hydroblasting Solutions

Vipa Schisto I Block 7 I 3rd Street I 18863 I Perama I Greece

Tel: +30 210 44 12 004     Fax:  +30 210 44 16 524

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